Dec 31, 2007

Easy Ways to Build Your Writer's Platform

If you wannabe a freelance writer or published book author, then you need a platform. Your writing platform helps you promote yourself, sell your writing, and convince editors and publishers that you're publishable.

Your writing platform can be a blog with writing ideas, a newsletter, your classroom, a social club or even your own community or town. For several other ways to promote yourself and your writing, read 10 Ways to Build a Writing Platform.

Writing tip: You don't need a writing platform to get published, just like you don't need a computer to write.

It just helps.
A writing platform also helps introverted writers find their public voice. Do you have a writing platform, like a blog or tv show? Let me know how it's working for you.....

Dec 30, 2007

writing tip: small talk gives you ideas

I'm an introvert, which means I get my energy from being alone. Making small talk at parties or at the mall is draining; I'd rather be at home reading or writing. Yet, I'm learning that the more people I talk to, the more writing ideas I have! Even just talking about the weather or someone's aches and pains gives me writing ideas.
Writing Tip: If you're an introverted writer who'd rather be at home, consider talking to people as part of your writing job. If you write nonfiction, you'll learn about people, current events, and interesting life events (if you know how to make effective small talk). If you write fiction, you may come up with writing inspirations such as plot twists, characterization ideas, or even ideas for new novels simply by making small talk at a party or in line at the grocery store.

If you're writer hungry for new ideas and an introvert who finds people draining, here's a few ideas that will make small talk easier for you.